New, Rare & Used Books


Specializing in the obscure, esoteric, and occasionally the terrifying. Giant Nerd Books has been serving the weird and the wonderful, online and locally, since 2005. Proprietor Nathan Huston established the brick & mortar shop in Spokane, WA in 2013, creating a unique space full of new, used, and rare books, curiosities, and collectibles. ** My books may also be found on consignment at Atticus Coffee and Gifts at 222 N Howard, and Boo Radley at 232 N Howard, both also in downtown Spokane.


Spokane’s Best Independent Bookstore Since 2005

Founded in 2005, Giant Nerd Books is an attempt by its founder, Nate Huston, and staff to inject new life into the idea of a brick-and-mortar storefront and to provide an in-person antidote to today’s epidemic of internet selling. Old, new, rare and uncommon books mingle alongside natural history specimens, vintage barware, comics, artwork by regional and national artists, and more to provide an immersive browsing experience.

Giant Nerd Books also maintains offsite consignment spaces in Atticus Coffee and Gifts at 222 N Howard St, and in Boo Radley at 232 N Howard St, both located in downtown Spokane, and in Boulevard Mercantile at 1012 N Washington, just north of downtown.